Hello! I’m Andrea

I am an artist and intuitive energy curator working in the healing arts.

I’ve had an innate inner trust for as long as I can remember, knowing that I would manifest more than I needed in life. The journey to get here has been rich with experiences, but definitely not fast. After a career in fashion merchandising, I went back to school for Studio Art. I was scheduled to the max between school and work - until the pandemic hit. Not knowing what to do with this newfound free time, I returned to my spiritual practices and dusted off my oracle and tarot cards.

I started doing energy healing, intuitive readings, recording and editing podcasts, and making prints from Reiki sessions! As all of this was manifesting, I was also experiencing a deep dark night of the soul. While my whole life was changing, I was spending time in the campus arboretum to ground myself. For the first time in years, I was able to fill myself up with earth energy and focus on what inspired me.

Thanks to the trust I had in the Spirit Crumbs leading me, I am able to spend my days connecting with amazing people like you!

If all you manage to do today is bear witness to the setting sun, consider that your love letter to the sky.
— Striving for Slow

Gemini Season Remote Recharge

The Gemini Recharge is bringing in inspiration, curiosity, and whimsy. If you've been feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or frustrated, this will feel like a reinvigorating boost to your energy! Visions of living in a children's book or manifesting your daydream are closer to reality than we think. Tune into this session for connection and out-of-the-box thinking!

Remote Recharges don't require a meeting, just the intention to receive! An email summary of the session energies, crystals and messages will follow

May 30 at 7:00pm EST/4pm PST
$35 CAD

New offering.

I’ve changed the format for delivering the Session Summary portion of my monthly Remote Recharge group distance healing energy sessions! I will be offering them as PDF downloads that will be available here after the session to purchase anytime. Though these are based on the energy of the astrological season, the themes, crystals, and plant energies that are curated for the session may feel aligned with you again at a different time in your personal cycle. People signed up for the session will have a discounted rate and I will share the PDF with a reflection in an email!

Seasonal Reset Newsletter
Do you like to reflect and refresh at the start of each new astrological season? 
Get a seasonal forecast, journal prompts, a creative prompt (and more!) delivered monthly to your inbox!
Thanks! Keep an eye on your inbox for updates.